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Monday, March 5, 2012


So I stand to the left of the dark
It wants to hold the hand that is mine...
I see it stretching's hand begrime..
And I am afraid of the dark adjoin...
So yes I am terrified.

Why cant I find the way disguised...
Is it fact or fiction...
For I have always known to find
the place to stand still..
but now the balance has been compromised.

I used to walk towards the light..
It's still clear in the sight..
But I am not moving.. just standing still..
Enamoring the dark on the right.
Things surely have gone tart.

Why.? I say..Why?
Is it fine to stop for sometime...
and disperse in the obfuscation...
to wait..for own self..
to steer away the grave sign!

Yes I am waiting...
for dear self..sublime...
rush..and take hold of me..
Else soon I will be gone...
I know .. only you are mine..
Yes my love.. only you are mine.

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Death of Life

You picked the knife and held it high…
Said sorry ...then sliced and incised
You were forgiven for the pain you incurred…
But what about the trust you said you will abide..?

Now the question you ask your own self…
What made you cling to the demon and why..?
Was it you or someone else in disguise..
Or have you changed into the devil…that you thought will remain inside?

Are you in control of yourself...and the one that you concealed…?
Or have the concealed gained the power to subjugate… now that master has gone weak..
You remember you believed you were in hold…
Inside and outside..everything you controlled…
Now the beast you tamed...has overhauled…
And has successfully claimed the power it always sought…

Things once done can’t be retraced back dear…
So now you have lost me…the relationship has gotten seared…
You have betrayed yourself…now hide where ever you can…
I think I am crying…on your deeds..
your life’s end you yourself have reared...

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